Resumen Conferencia de Bethesda – E3 2018 Por Linkinboss el junio 11, 2018 Bethesda Softworks Doom Eternal Fallout 76 Fallout Shelter Prey: Mooncrash Prey: Typhon Hunter Quake Champions QuakeCon Rage 2 skyrim Starfield Summerset The Elder Scrolls Online: Legends The Elder Scrolls VI Wolfestein II: The New Order Wolfestein: Cyberpilot Wolfestein: Youngblood
Resumen conferencia Sony – E3 2017 Por CheCorchete el junio 13, 2017 2017 call capcom colossus days gone destiny DETROID duty E3 everybody golf god gran turismo horizon inpatient Knack lost legacy Marvel matterfall Monster Hunter Ni no Kuni playlink playstation PlayStation VR Shadow skyrim sony sparc spiderman star child uncharted undertale vr war
Resumen Conferencia de Bethesda – E3 2017 Por Linkinboss el junio 12, 2017 bethesda Creation Club Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Doom Doom VFR E3 E3 2017 Fallout 4 Fallout 4 VR Nintendo Switch skyrim The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Heroes of Skyrim The Evil Within 2 Wolfestein II: The New Colossus
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